Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts
I-space Reinvented
The layout of urban apartment buildings often lacks much variety, and the design may not meet the needs of individual users. Are you satisfied with where you live now?

Writing Prompts
A Stranger Nearby
Living in the city means you are surrounded by strangers. Establishing mutual trust and mutual respect with strangers is essential in urban life. Have you ever paid attention to a stranger who was sitting next to you on a bus or in a restaurant? When you go out today, try to observe one stranger, and carefully record his/her appearance, actions, and conversations with others.

Writing Prompts
I-city in a Dream
Take a look at the images below. Imagine one of the images has appeared in your dream and told you about your life at this moment in Hong Kong (or in another place where you live). Which image would it be? Which image speaks to you the most?
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Since November 2021, we have organized various writing workshops both online and in person, in areas such as Sham Shui Po, Wan Chai, Kowloon Tong, etc. Learn more about these workshops.
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