

My Bedfriend

I wanted a bed that simple yet spacious enough that I can do some stretching or some light cardio exercises the moment I...

Ship I am

The creative writing group oops, lesson course work. Yesterday was a tuesday and felt tired mentally with all the draining news about the...

My Bedroom, My Paradise

The room I want to transform is my bedroom. My bedroom is one of the important places where I have my quality time....

My Bedroom

I am Fe, one of the migrant workers here in HK. I love reading, writing, dancing and listening to melodious songs. And I...

Meagre Space

The day i met my boss at the agency in Nan Fung Center, she ask me if i am willing to come and...

A place I call mine

I have a very comfortable room, consist of small bed, side table, a small closet enough for my clothes....


總覺得睡房中有太多雜物。不敢丟掉陳舊的鎖匙扣、作業簿、髪夾髪叉, 明知道這些半被遺忘的東西已經毫無用處,卻又生怕某一天,我再會需要它們,若要重新改造房間,我的首要任務,便是要硬下心腸,放下那些困於存在與不存在間的雜物。...

Bathroom and the upper deck of my bed

Bathroom and the upper deck of my bed. I wish I could just make my bathroom space more accessible or two more meters...



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Since November 2021, we have organized various writing workshops both online and in person, in areas such as Sham Shui Po, Wan Chai, Kowloon Tong, etc. Learn more about these workshops.