
Hi everyone. I’m Shailen Bogati. I have been living in Hong Kong for 14 years. As we all know Hong Kong is a highly populated city with around 7.5 million people. To accommodate all the people, Hong Kong has to build small flats with everything small. I have the same problem of having my kitchen and bathroom small. For kitchen, it is acceptable to have a smaller area as Hong Kong has a practice of eating outside or buying takeaways. In this case, I think people prefer bigger bathrooms with all the facilities since human beings are unsatisfactory, greedy creatures. If I have a choice to change a room at my flat, I would change the bathroom to a bigger one. Despite having almost everything except the bathtub in there, I still want to have a bigger bathroom. I wish I could have a spacious bathroom with a big window through which some fresh air could get in.

Although, I deserve a bathroom like the picture above, I have to compromise myself with the price and space that can be afforded by a person like me in Hong Kong. I’ll keep dreaming of having a big, spacious and airy bathroom where I could spend hours like the writer Xi Xi used to do after she renovated her bathroom.

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